Thursday, March 30, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, March 31, 2006

If there is no trust, there is nothing. And if there is too much
trust? Then, probably, there is nothing again - but it will take you a
while to realise it! You have to be careful who (and what) you place
your trust in. You have to be careful too, not to be too careful! It's
easy to talk yourself out of any commitment based on faith. All
promises are, after all, flawed and all people are fallible. Better on
balance, this weekend, to trust a little too much than to put up too
many walls and barriers.<end/> <followontag>Don't just read this short
forecast for your sign every day. Listen to my in-depth explanation
of all you have to look forward to, this week and every week. Try
your exciting new Five Star audio service for free <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Hello Jonathan,<br>If astrology is based on symbolism
and symbolism is an abstract notion, how can it physically affect our
lives?<br>Danielle<p>Dear Danielle,<br>Pick up a banknote and look at
it. It's only a piece of paper but it has such great 'symbolic
meaning' that your physical life will change dramatically depending on
how many such notes you have and what numbers are printed on them.
Numbers too, are 'abstract notions'. All our lives revolve around
things which symbolise other things. Astrologers believe that
celestial alignments symbolise the symbols that mean most to us at any
given time.</thought><p>If life is a journey... where is the map?
Actually, it exists! Secretly, silently, it was issued by the cosmos
at the very moment when you first arrived on this planet. If you've
never seen your full personal birth chart, it's time you knew what it
contained. It's a complete map of the sky as it looked, from your
birthplace, at the exact minute you were born. It contains valuable
information about your past, your present... and your future
potential. It will tell you what makes you unique - and where your
greatest opportunities and talents lie. It's available, instantly, on
line. <a href=''
target='_parent'>Just click here.</a>

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, March 30, 2006

The eclipse marks a turning point. You are now both at your weakest...
and your most powerful. You are more conscious of your vulnerability
than your strength. And, ironically, if anything is undermining your
ability to be successful, it is this sensitivity to susceptibility.
You are more worried than you need to be, so you are compensating more
than you ought to - and, in the process, your energy is being drawn
towards something negative. Focus instead on what's positive. There's
plenty of that.<end/> <followontag>Give me your date, place and time
of birth.... and I'll tell you something truly amazing about yourself
and your future. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> to find out how you can get your full
personal birth chart. On line.

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Greetings,<br>"My partner and I are both Geminis. I
never know, when I read your daily prediction, whether it is
appropriate for me... or her."<br>Shyam<p>Dear Shyam,<br>Normally, I'd
say, 'Read your own prediction as if it applies to you alone. Think
only of your partner while reading her prediction. Ignore the fact
that both predictions contain the same words. They have different
meanings for each of you. Er... as you are a Gemini, though, I might
also advise you to read your own forecast twice... just to make sure
you agree with yourself about what it means!</thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>IMPORTANT NOTE: Jonathan's best, most
inspiring in-depth predictions are the five minute spoken forecasts
that he records for you each week, You can hear these on the phone (<a
href="phone.html" target="main">click here</a> for details) or, if you
have the ability to play sound on your machine, you can make a
considerable saving on the dial in cost by DOWNLOADING your reading
each week. To do this, you first have to join our special subscription
service. It's easy to sign up and currently, you get your first month
on a FREE TRIAL basis. If you cancel before your first month expires,
you will not be charged a penny. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to give it a go.</a> It could change your
life forever!</b>

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, March 29, 2006

How much do you care? And how wise is it for you to care even that
much? Are you wasting a lot of precious emotional energy on an
undeserving subject? Would you be better off cutting your losses and
getting involved with something less stressful instead? Yes, if you
want a quiet life. But, then, since when have you ever wanted a quiet
life? You knew you were buying into trouble when you first made a
certain commitment. Now, the New Moon brings both the trouble... and
the reward.<end/> <followontag>Need to know more? A full chart
reading, based on your exact date of birth will equip you with all the
information you need to see your current problems in perspective and
become ready to seize forthcoming opportunities. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> to get your personal horoscope,

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Is it time to make a clean break with a part of your
past? Today's solar eclipse is especially auspicious for all who have
been thinking about doing things differently. Just make a small but
sincere gesture of commitment to your new plan at some point during
the next 24 hours. You may also find the eclipse is good for making
wishes and healing wounds. I'm currently testing out various
traditional beliefs about the way in which eclipses influence us... so
if today's events happen to leave you with an exceptional tale to
tell, please drop me a line! (Email: <A
Feedback'></a>)<br>For an interesting animated
graphic showing the path of the eclipse - <A
TARGET='_parent'>click here</a><br>If you'd like to supply some
Eclipse feedback...<br>please keep a little diary of your day. Write
down anything significant that happens to - or around - or within you
during the next 24 hours. Then send it to me in e-mail along with a
little personal information. Where and when were you born? Where were
you when the eclipse took place? Did you actually notice it happening?
Any other background factors about your life that might prove
relevant? I'd like to study all the replies and then share some of the
most interesting stories here on this web site. Please therefore,
state whether you<br>a) don't mind your story appearing<br>b) don't
mind as long as any details that could identify you are kept
private<br>c) don't want ANY of what you are telling me to be
public.<br>If it's a) you may also like to attach a little photo of
yourself! Email: <A
Feedback'></a><br>Many astrological traditions
say that an eclipse can have an impact on your life up to THREE MONTHS
after the event takes place. If you do contribute to this service,
whether privately or publically, I may drop you a further e-mail in
three months to ask if there's been any change that you can directly
connect to today's eclipse.<br>Please don't expect a personal reply to
contribution. I'll definitely read it... but I simply may not have
time to thank you personally.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>Ever wondered what you really came here for? Your full
personal birth chart contains vital information about your
astrological inheritance. It explains what makes you special, where
your greatest talents lie... and how you can make the most of your
every opportunity. Your personal horoscope is unique... and if you
don't know what yours contains, you're missing out on one of the best
kept secrets of the universe. <a
target=_parent>Click here</a> to become inspired and enlightened.

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Monday, March 27, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Do you know how much power you have? Are you aware of your own
strength? Do you think that someone else is calling the shots - or
that you are merely a passenger in the car of destiny? You are the
driver. The steering wheel is in your hands - and yes, it really is
connected to the wheels! You know what you need now? Navigation
assistance! Get a map. Find out where you are and what is available to
you. Then, start making confident choices. The roads ahead are clear
and straight.<end/> <followontag>Reveal the astrological secrets of
your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions
instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future' <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>The Moon is new and, tomorrow, it will pass in front of
the Sun. In some places (Libya and Turkey for example) the eclipse of
the Sun will be total. In the UK, it will only be partial. And in
Australia and the United States it will not be visible at all. Even if
the clouds part long enough to make it visible, we won't be able to
watch without special glasses. Happily though, you don't have to see
an eclipse to benefit from it. You just have to be 'open' to the idea
that positive change can happen, no matter how stale things seem.
Then, somehow, the rare alignment of Earth, Sun and Moon makes it
possible.<p>The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins at the eastern
tip of Brazil around 8am (Universal Time; 4am local time) and extends
across the Atlantic, northern Africa, Libya, Chard, Egypt and Turkey.
Visible in Ankara at 11am (Universal Time; 1pm local time). The path
continues through central Asia, ending at sunset in western Mongolia.
A partial eclipse will be seen within the much broader path of the
Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes the northern two thirds of
Africa, Europe, and central Asia. For an interesting animated graphic
showing the path of the eclipse - <A
TARGET='_new'>click here</a></thought><p><center><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Is there a big issue rising up in your
life?<br>Have you got a pressing question?<br>Are you wrestling with a
difficult dilemma?<br>You need to know what's happening in your full
birth chart.<br>Jonathan's instant PERSONAL PREDICTION service
provides this facility, in full detail for a fraction of the price you
would normally pay for a person consultation with an astrologer. <a
target=_parent>Click here to find out more.</a>.</b></font></center>

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, March 27, 2006

As we approach the New Moon, we find you wondering what's possible and
considering, even if a goal is attainable, whether it is worth the
effort. Current events are throwing, into very sharp relief, the
difference between what you truly need and what you simply think you
require. If there is discomfort now, it stems from an inability to
distinguish between the two. The same applies in your personal life.
You have what you need. And as for what you have not got, trust me.
You really don't want it!<end/> <followontag>For a complete set of
totally personal predictions have 'Your Guide to the Future' emailed
direct to you <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to instantly download

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>A fascinating article in the latest edition of the New
Scientist describes 'gravitational corridors' between all the major
bodies in our solar system. These work rather like underground tube
lines. They form a network of shifting, invisible tunnels that could
allow space ships to travel using very little energy. Jupiter,
apparently, is a 'central station' in this system. All this is fact,
not fiction... and to me, it is a real revelation. Until now, sceptics
have always insisted that no such connections exist... and that this
was one reason why there could never be any logical basis for
astrology!</thought><p>Once a week, every week, I record an in-depth
forecast for each sign. It gives me the chance to go into the kind of
detail that I could never cover in a written prediction. People tell
me that they find these spoken readings very accurate and inspiring.
All I know is that something amazing seems to happen when I give them.
A sense of magic descends. And a powerful picture starts to paint
itself. If you've ever called the phoneline services, you'll know what
I mean. And now, it's possible to hear your forecast through your
computer. It costs less to download your weekly forecast than to hear
it through a phone call and the first month of your subscription is
absolutely free. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to give it a try.</a>

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, March 24, 2006

Do you think you can see trouble coming? Then why not try looking in
the other direction? You may be able to make it vanish if you just
ignore it long enough. Not convinced? Well then, turn and face it head
on. See if that scares it away. Actually, this weekend, you are likely
to have success with either policy. That's because trouble is not
coming. It is just lurking on the horizon, and that's where it intends
to stay - unless you start trying to attract its attention by making
it an offer that it simply can't refuse!<end/> <followontag>Reveal
the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of
totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the
Future' <a href=''
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>I'm a Virgo and I love astrology. My
Leo partner, though, wants to know why, when he reads his forecast in
two publications, they will each say something
different.<br>Thanks,<br>Mags<p>Dear Mags,<br>We astrologers all study
the same sky. Though we are bound to see (or say) things differently
every so often, we agree with each other more often than you might
think. I suspect there's another reason why your partner doubts
astrology. While Virgos enjoy exploring what they have in common with
other Virgos, Leos hate to feel they are anything other than
unique!</thought><p><center><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Is
there a big issue rising up in your life?<br>Have you got a pressing
question?<br>Are you wrestling with a difficult dilemma?<br>You need
to know what's happening in your full birth chart.<br>Jonathan's
instant PERSONAL PREDICTION service provides this facility, in full
detail for a fraction of the price you would normally pay for a person
consultation with an astrologer. <a
target=_parent>Click here to find out
more.</a>.</b></font></center><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation, 28
trial of your exciting new personal service from Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font><p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, March 23, 2006

The days and nights may now be of equal length but they are not of
equal importance! You've got some tasks that you can only carry out
between certain hours yet you keep remembering them at moments when it
is not possible to do much about them. This may be partially because
you are not entirely sure how far you really want to travel down a
certain road. Your head says one thing; your heart says another. Try
to get them both talking to each other. If you can reach a state of
inner certainty, everything will get easier.<end/> <followontag>For a
complete set of totally personal predictions have 'Your Guide to the
Future' emailed direct to you <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to instantly download

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought> Hi Jonathan,<br>I was surprised to learn that your
forecasts also appear in other countries. How can that be? Surely, the
stars are in different positions when seen from different places
around the globe?<br>Linda<p>Dear Linda,<br>The sky does look
different in different places. You can't, for example, see the
Southern Cross from the Northern hemisphere. The Sun and Moon, though,
are visible all over the world. They, along with the planets on whose
movements I base my predictions, travel along a path called 'the
ecliptic'. This looks exactly the same, no matter where you view it
from.</thought><p>Once a week, every week, I record an in-depth
forecast for each sign. It gives me the chance to go into the kind of
detail that I could never cover in a written prediction. People tell
me that they find these spoken readings very accurate and inspiring.
All I know is that something amazing seems to happen when I give them.
A sense of magic descends. And a powerful picture starts to paint
itself. If you've ever called the phoneline services, you'll know what
I mean. And now, it's possible to hear your forecast through your
computer. It costs less to download your weekly forecast than to hear
it through a phone call and the first month of your subscription is
absolutely free. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to give it a try.</a>

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Are you not supposed to be enjoying your life? If you allow yourself
to feel happy, will you be contravening some crucial code? I only ask
because you now seem to be taking a certain situation very seriously.
Your diligence is laudable but there's a point past which it is in
danger of becoming obsessive. We can say much the same about a fear
that keeps recurring. Be concerned and cautious... but not anxious or
edgy. The more you relax today, the more clearly you'll see answers to
all your key questions.<end/> <followontag>You have just read your
sun sign forecast. Other factors in the sky though, may now be
influencing your personal birth chart. For a full horoscope reading <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to instantly download

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>As is often the case when you return home after a
break, you can see things that are not so obvious when you're always
around. As I look around the 'fort' that Eric Francis has just held so
well, I'm aware of how many signs feel besieged by the need to perform
a delicate balancing act. This is linked to the fact that the days and
nights are now of equal length. The Sun, though, has entered decisive
Aries and the astrological new year has begun. If you're wrestling
with a tricky choice, you'll find much gets easier
soon.</thought><p>In the olden days, to get a horoscope calculated for
your exact date and time of birth, you had to be a member of the royal
family. Only court astrologers cast birth charts. Now, we can all be
kings and queens. A full, personal birth chart can't just tell you
more about what (and who) you were born to be... it can list, in
deeply valuable detail, every major challenge and opportunity that
lies ahead for you over the next few months. If you're wrestling with
a tricky choice - or if you want to make more of your potential <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.<p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation, 28
trial of your exciting new personal service from Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, March 21, 2006

<a href='' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: Usually, horoscope columns tell us to reach for the stars and
settle for the Moon. But your chart suggests that you have faith that
you're going to achieve exactly what you want - or something greater.
It helps that people are noticing your current projects have impact
far beyond your own life. But, actually, only you know what you have
in mind. There's no need to explain yourself, since nobody is having
any doubts. Except maybe, you. It's not that your doubts are
unfounded; rather, what you may notice is that, in a strange way, they
are a testament to your power.<end/><br> <followontag>Each week,
Jonathan records an in depth weekly forecast for your sign. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> for a free four week no-obligation
trial of your special spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>Jonathan is back tomorrow. Your forecasts today are written by
the highly respected astrologer, <a href=''
target='_new'>Eric Francis</a>, creator of the fascinating web
magazine, <a href=''
target='_new'></a>.<br><thought>Eric writes: Yesterday
I described the cosmos as a theatre with perfectly tuned acoustics. I
know that not everyone can feel celestial phenomena, but I believe
that anyone who wants to can learn. The best way to do that is through
experience. That means experimenting. Bringing a little reverence to
the game can help, but the cosmos feels more like a child than an
adult. So if you show up with sincerity, curiosity and a willingness
to see what happens over time, you can explore. I suggest you use the
theme of balancing out. Name a couple of areas in your life where you
want to put yourself back into equilibrium. Set the intention clearly.
Listen for instructions about what to do. Then check back on the
project in about one month.</thought><p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> This week we are proud to announce the return of our <a
href='/fforum/forum.html' target='main'>Feedback Forum</a> - the pages
where YOU get your say... <b><a href='/fforum/forum.html'
target='main'>click here</a></b>.</font><p>Your <a
target='_parent'><b>Guide to the Future</b></a> from Jonathan - takes
your full personal birth-chart and then performs thousands of
additional calculations to compare each planetary position from the
day you were born with the positions that the planets are occupying in
the sky right now. This is a time-honoured method of prediction that
consistently produces stunningly accurate results. <a
target='_parent'>To instantly download yours click here</a>.

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, March 20, 2006

<a href='' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: Your life is not so much filled with confusion as it is with
fertile chaos. But your doubts are pointing you toward greater
awareness that you have faith in yourself. If you experience doubt,
remember that your fears have rarely come true, and that you have
consistently accomplished more than you thought you could.
Self-confidence is more like a game than it is like a physical
structure - and, right now, you're more responsive than ever to your
own positive encouragement. Remember, you have a specific goal, even
if the details have yet to be revealed.<end/><br> <followontag>You
have just read your sun sign forecast. Other factors in the sky
though, may now be influencing your personal birth chart. For a full
horoscope reading from Jonathan <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to instantly download

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>Jonathan is away for a few days. Your forecasts today are
written by the highly respected astrologer, <a
href='' target='_new'>Eric Francis</a>,
creator of the fascinating web magazine, <a
target='_new'></a>.<br><thought>Eric writes: Today
marks the end of the astrological year, which stretches from the first
day of Aries to the last day of Pisces. Tomorrow is the day we think
of as being the one when dark and light are equal, and night and day
are the same length throughout the world: the vernal equinox. This
phenomenon actually lasts about a week. Since Saturday, the Sun has
been hanging around zero degrees of declination, where it will remain
until Wednesday. For most of today, the Sun is lingering in the last
degree of Pisces, one of those mystical parts of the zodiac. All this
adds up to a time when visioning means more than usual. The cosmos is
like a theatre with perfectly tuned acoustics. You don't need to speak
loudly - you just need to speak clearly.</thought><p><font
size=-1><b>Site Update:</b> This week we are proud to announce the
return of our <a href='/fforum/forum.html' target='main'>Feedback
Forum</a> - the pages where YOU get your say... <b><a
href='/fforum/forum.html' target='main'>click
here</a></b>.</font><p>Your <a
target='_parent'><b>Guide to the Future</b></a> from Jonathan - takes
your full personal birth-chart and then performs thousands of
additional calculations to compare each planetary position from the
day you were born with the positions that the planets are occupying in
the sky right now. This is a time-honoured method of prediction that
consistently produces stunningly accurate results. <a
target='_parent'>To instantly download yours click here</a>.

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, March 17, 2006

<a href='' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: There seem to be two situations developing in your life. One
has a vague quality, and the other seems focused, demanding immediate
attention. These are not separate matters, but rather two points of
view on the same basic circumstance. It proves that if you look at
something two different ways, you will see two different things.
Recent experience has shown you not to jump to conclusions before you
have all the facts - and decisions made under pressure are not always
reliable. Some influential information is coming - watch for it
carefully.<end/><br> <followontag>Each week, Jonathan records an in
depth weekly forecast for your sign. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> for a free four week no-obligation
trial of your special spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by <a
href='' target='_new'>Eric Francis</a>,
creator of the fascinating web magazine, <a
target='_new'></a>.<br><thought>Eric writes: Today's
exact meeting of Pluto and the Sun may have people around you on edge
and ready to stand up for themselves at the least suggestion they're
wrong. This is a fine day to do more listening than talking, and to
take everyone's viewpoint under advisement. There are a number of
planetary factors that say 'delay making big decisions'. Instead,
collect all the information you can. The planetary picture is changing
fast, and cosmic forces that are motivating people to be unusually
individualistic will just as soon leave people alone. Meantime, please
don't get caught up in any arguments that have nothing to do with you
- or for that matter, the ones that do.</thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Before he left, Jonathan recorded some
special forecasts - for your free, no obligation, month's trial of the
exciting new personal service - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font><p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, March 16, 2006

<a href='' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: You seem to be taking off your insecurities like a tight old
shoe. It's about time. Fear is conditioned into us in so many ways,
and for so long, that it comes to a point where life itself seems a
threat. But I ask you to take notice that when you're faced with a
fear now, you have the choice to retreat or push into new territory.
Often this is psychic territory; most of our advancing and retreating
happens in our own minds. What's developing in your life is a figment
of your imagination, and that's where creativity begins. Your ideas
are about to get serious results.<end/><br> <followontag>You have
just read your sun sign forecast. Other factors in the sky though, may
now be influencing your personal birth chart. For a full horoscope
reading from Jonathan <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to instantly download

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>Jonathan is away for a few days. Your forecasts today are
written by the highly respected astrologer, <a
href='' target='_new'>Eric Francis</a>,
creator of the fascinating web magazine, <a
target='_new'></a>.<br><thought>Eric writes: It would
be difficult to cram more astrology into a single week, but when the
planets speak, they like to be heard. We're standing in one of those
cosmic junctures, as if many different roads of time come together and
form a hub. It started with yesterday's lunar eclipse. Then there are
a series of squares or 90-degree angles between planets, the most
dynamic aspect of the lot. Jupiter is exactly square Neptune; the Sun
is square Pluto and the Galactic Core; Mercury will soon square Mars.
But Mercury retrograde is making a long trine (120 degree angle) to
Jupiter. That represents the one decision you need to make, in the
midst of so many other influences.</thought><p>Your <a
target='_parent'><b>Guide to the Future</b></a> from Jonathan - takes
your full personal birth-chart and then performs thousands of
additional calculations to compare each planetary position from the
day you were born with the positions that the planets are occupying in
the sky right now. This is a time-honoured method of prediction that
consistently produces stunningly accurate results. <a
target='_parent'>To instantly download yours click here</a>.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, March 15, 2006

<a href='' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: Any difficulty with a domestic partner can surely be worked
out by turning up the heat of passion. You're in one of those
situations where everyone wants to let go, but nobody quite has the
nerve to break the tension. There's a bubble of fear wrapped around
the possibility that if anybody lets their feelings go, everything is
going to come pouring out, including emotions on a level you fear you
may not be ready to deal with. If nobody fits the 'domestic partner'
description, try aligning that scenario with different aspects of your
life and see what you learn. Something or someone is ready to give,
but you just need to be willing to receive.<end/><br>
<followontag>Each week, Jonathan records an in depth weekly forecast
for your sign. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> for a free four week no-obligation
trial of your special spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by <a
href='' target='_new'>Eric Francis</a>,
creator of the fascinating web magazine, <a
target='_new'></a>.<br><thought>Eric writes:
Yesterday's Virgo Full Moon was also an eclipse of the Moon - and, as
with all eclipses, the effects will radiate out for months or even
years. The theme is about noticing the mental and emotional patterns
that keep us trapped in negative patterns in our personal
relationships. It's often amazing what we don't see, and equally
wonderful how easy it is to make a difference in our own lives when we
do take a look. Letting go of the past begins with acknowledging how
we really feel, then speaking from our hearts to the people who matter
the most.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the
"Five Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation, 28 trial of your
exciting new personal service from Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Monday, March 13, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It is possible to go a long way with a ball and chain. All you need is
a wheelbarrow in which to transport the ball and the ability to hop.
If you are obliged to live with this impediment for any great length
of time, it is possible that you will become adept at the art of
coping. You can get used to most things if you try. When, though, you
are offered the use of a pair of wire cutters, it is wiser to take
advantage of the opportunity than it is to say, 'No thank you, I
haven't got any room for these in my wheelbarrow!'<end/>
<followontag>For a complete set of totally personal predictions have
'Your Guide to the Future' emailed direct to you <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Just before midnight tonight<b>*</b>, as the moon
becomes completely full, the earth will cast a subtle shadow across
its face. This 'darkening of the moon' is seen, in some traditions, as
inauspicious. I prefer to think of it as 'cathartic'. Though we often
find ourselves facing our fears at such times, we need no more worry
about a penumbral eclipse than we need be afraid of our own shadow!
I'll be out watching it this evening... after which I'll be taking a
brief break while my colleague, Eric Francis, takes over the daily
predictions for the next few days.<br><b>*</b> London time 11.35pm.
Other timings: New York: 7.35pm, Tuesday; India: 4.35am, Wednesday;
Perth: 7.35am, Wednesday. The eclipse is visible from all of Africa
and Europe. Observers throughout most of North America will find the
eclipse already in progress as the Moon rises on Tuesday evening.
However, no eclipse will be visible from westernmost North America
(Yukon, British Columbia, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California)
since the event ends there before moonrise. Similarly the event is not
visible from Eastern Australia or north and central Japan. For NASA's
map showing the eclipse zones - <a
target='_new'>click here</a> </thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>DID YOU KNOW? A difference of a few minutes in time of birth
- or a few miles in place of birth can have a big impact on the kind
of person you turn out to be. Once you have had your chart cast, you
can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where
they will be in the future. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to get an instant, in-depth, fully
personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the
next three, six or twelve months.</a></b></font><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free,
no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting new personal service from
Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, March 13, 2006

It is hard to know exactly where the source of the current problem
lies. Every time you think you have worked out what's wrong, you
realise that you have not seen the full picture. This has led you to
suspect that the picture is much broader and much bigger - and
potentially much more menacing. Actually, though, you have a Wizard of
Oz situation going on. A little man with a big megaphone. A small item
casting a large shadow. Soon, the intense Full Moon will pass and you
will feel much happier.<end/> <followontag>While recording your latest
prediction, I looked carefully at your options - and made a big
discovery. Let me tell you more <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to take out a free four week
no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>Ice caps are melting, rivers are
receding, temperatures are rising and ozone levels are falling. How
can you possibly say there's no threat to our future?<br>Alison<p>Dear
Alison.<br>I have never said there is no threat. It's just that
currently, while some people are desperately concerned, others are
cheerfully oblivious. There is still time to limit the damage if only
enough people will quickly wake up to the severity of the problem. I
predict that soon more of us will start worrying... at which point we
won't have quite so much to worry about!</thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free,
no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting new personal service from
Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, March 10, 2006

Imagine how awful it would be to have an answer to every question and
an explanation for every mystery. Where, then, would be the interest
and sense of magical discovery that can only ever come after a moment
of uncertainty? There is something you do not fully understand. Be
willing to let the penny take as long as it needs before it drops. The
world is full of people who are in too much of a hurry to pin
everything down and sort everything out. Be gentle, be patient and you
will yet be amazed and inspired.<end/> <followontag>You have just
read your sun sign forecast. Other factors in the sky though, may now
be influencing your personal birth chart. For a full horoscope reading
<a href=''
target='_parent'>click here</a> and claim your 15%

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>The Sun, Mercury and Earth form a straight line this
weekend. The technical name for this is an 'inferior conjunction'. To
an astrologer, though, this is a very superior, deeply auspicious
alignment that confers "clarity of communication". If you've been
following this page carefully lately, you'll know the communication
planet is currently moving "backwards". Many people have lately found
themselves talking at cross purposes... or becoming confused. Though
Mercury won't change direction for another couple of weeks, its
alignment with the Sun will help many of us to shine light on
situations that have seemed dark and mystifying.<p>This week marks the
20th anniversary of my first ever daily zodiac column. Prior to that,
I was a 'proper astrologer'. I worked only with full horoscopes,
calculated from people's date, time and place of birth. Along with my
academic collleagues, I believed that astrology was a serious pursuit
- and that over-simplified sun-sign predictions gave our work a bad
name. To this day, many professional astrologers still feel this way.
As far as they're concerned, the day I started writing 12 forecasts a
day was the day I 'sold out'. I feel that's a bit harsh... but I have
to agree that a full personal horoscope reading definitely reveals far
more than just a general forecast for your zodiac sign. So, to redress
website has a special offer for THE NEXT 24 HOURS ONLY. Order any full
personal horoscope reading, calculated from your exact date of birth
and receive an instant 15% DISCOUNT on the normal price. Offer ends
9pm UK time, Friday. (That's about 7am Saturday Australia, or 1pm
Friday, Los Angeles) But don't waste time working out how long you've
got. <a href=""
target=_parent>Click here. NOW!</a> <font size=-1><b><i>( Due to
overwhelming demand we have decided to extend the offer until the end
of the anniversary week! )</i></b></font></thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free,
no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting new personal service from
Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font><p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, March 9, 2006

Psychics don't live easy lives. Ordinary people can, when it suits
them, just ignore the way that the people around them are feeling.
'Sensitives' don't have this option. They are forever picking up
strong signals on their inner radar screens. That makes them a bit
like Cancerians! You are now processing a lot of delicate information.
You can't block it all out, but nor do you need to give it quite as
much intense attention as you might think. If someone really needs to
tell you something, they will use words, not just 'vibes'.<end/>
<followontag>I've got some excellent news for you in your new
long-range, in-depth forecast. To hear it <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to take out a free four week
no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>Why do some days suddenly turn from
good to bad... or vice versa? Is it to do with the planets? Or is it
just because I'm a Scorpio?<br>Maureen<p>Dear Maureen,<br>Most planets
move slowly, but the Moon covers a degree every couple of hours.
That's fast enough to quickly make (and then break) a significant
angular contact to your birth chart. We all come under such a passing
influence quite often but only usually notice when other planets are
also affecting that part of our chart... unless we are born under a
sensitive sign, like Scorpio!<p>This week marks the 20th anniversary
of my first ever daily zodiac column. Prior to that, I was a 'proper
astrologer'. I worked only with full horoscopes, calculated from
people's date, time and place of birth. Along with my academic
collleagues, I believed that astrology was a serious pursuit - and
that over-simplified sun-sign predictions gave our work a bad name. To
this day, many professional astrologers still feel this way. As far as
they're concerned, the day I started writing 12 forecasts a day was
the day I 'sold out'. I feel that's a bit harsh... but I have to
agree that a full personal horoscope reading definitely reveals far
more than just a general forecast for your zodiac sign. So, to redress
website has a special offer for THE NEXT 48 HOURS ONLY. Order any full
personal horoscope reading, calculated from your exact date of birth
and receive an instant 15% DISCOUNT on the normal price. Offer ends
9pm UK time, Friday. (That's about 7am Saturday Australia, or 1pm
Friday, Los Angeles) But don't waste time working out how long you've
got. <a href=""
target=_parent>Click here. NOW!</a> <font size=-1><b><i>( Due to
overwhelming demand we have decided to extend the offer until the end
of the anniversary week! )</i></b></font></thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free,
no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting new personal service from
Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, March 8, 2006

The Moon is in your sign. That's why you feel edgy and apprehensive.
It's why you are not quite sure who to trust or how far to trust them
- and why you are straining so hard to hear your own quiet inner-voice
of wisdom. The Moon in your sign, though, is also the reason why you
will soon grow more comfortable, why you will feel able to make a
gesture of great faith - and why you will know, without doubt, what
you feel in your heart of hearts. You are going through an important
process. Just trust it.<end/> <followontag>You have just read your
sun sign forecast. Other factors in the sky though, may now be
influencing your personal birth chart. For a full horoscope reading <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and claim your 15%

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>This week marks the 20th anniversary of my first ever
daily zodiac column. Prior to that, I was a 'proper astrologer'. I
worked only with full horoscopes, calculated from people's date, time
and place of birth. Along with my academic collleagues, I believed
that astrology was a serious pursuit - and that over-simplified
sun-sign predictions gave our work a bad name. To this day, many
professional astrologers still feel this way. As far as they're
concerned, the day I started writing 12 forecasts a day was the day I
'sold out'. I feel that's a bit harsh... but I have to agree that a
full personal horoscope reading definitely reveals far more than just
a general forecast for your zodiac sign. So, to redress the balance...
special offer for THE NEXT 72 HOURS ONLY. Order any full personal
horoscope reading, calculated from your exact date of birth and
receive an instant 15% DISCOUNT on the normal price. Offer ends 9pm UK
time, Friday. (That's about 7am Saturday Australia, or 1pm Friday, Los
Angeles) But don't waste time working out how long you've got. <a
target=_parent>Click here. NOW!</a> <font size=-1><b><i>( Due to
overwhelming demand we have decided to extend the offer until the end
of the anniversary week! )</i></b></font><p>Today's picture, by the
way, was taken in 1983, in London. It shows a group of serious and
highly respected astrologers... the kind who would never bring their
art into disrepute by writing sun sign predictions! On the far left,
at the table, is the late, great and still sorely missed Charles
Harvey. Seated next to him, there's Danielle Claret, Jane de Rome and
scientific correlation researcher, Mick O'Neill. From left standing
are David Stevens, Astronomy expert Nick Kollerstrom, Rowan Bayne,
Martin Budd, Simon Best, author and historian Patrick Curry, Michael
Startup, Graham Douglas and, on the end, in the tie, with the dodgy
patterned sweater... an early prototype version of Jonathan
Cainer.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five
Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting
new personal service from Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, March 7, 2006

'Better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are a fool,
than to open it and leave them in no doubt.' This is not advice that
you need to be given. You often err on the side of caution. But,
though you may be reticent and apprehensive, you are also courageous
and tenacious. You were born to be a great warrior. You never give up
on anything or anyone (until or unless it gives up on you). Lately,
you have shown a lot of faith. It is about to be amply and wonderfully
rewarded.<end/> <followontag>Jupiter and Mercury have now changed
direction. You can change direction too. To listen <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to take out a free four week
no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>This week marks the 20th anniversary of my first ever
daily zodiac column. Prior to that, I was a 'proper astrologer'. I
worked only with full horoscopes, calculated from people's date, time
and place of birth. Along with my academic collleagues, I believed
that astrology was a serious pursuit - and that over-simplified
sun-sign predictions gave our work a bad name. To this day, many
professional astrologers still feel this way. As far as they're
concerned, the day I started writing 12 forecasts a day was the day I
'sold out'. I feel that's a bit harsh... but I have to agree that a
full personal horoscope reading definitely reveals far more than just
a general forecast for your zodiac sign. So, to redress the balance...
and TO CELEBRATE celebrate 20 YEARS OF DAILY PREDICTIONS our website
has a special offer for THE NEXT 24 HOURS ONLY. Order any full
personal horoscope reading, calculated from your exact date of birth
and receive an instant 15% DISCOUNT on the normal price. Offer ends
9pm UK time, Tuesday. (That's about 7am Wednesday Australia, or 1pm
Tuesday, Los Angeles) But don't waste time working out how long
you've got. <a
target=_parent>Click here. NOW!</a> <font size=-1><b><i>( NB: Offer
extended in response to overwhelming demand )</i></b></font><p>Today's
picture, by the way, was taken in 1983, in London. It shows a group of
serious and highly respected astrologers... the kind who would never
bring their art into disrepute by writing sun sign predictions! On the
far left, at the table, is the late, great and still sorely missed
Charles Harvey. Seated next to him, there's Danielle Claret, Jane de
Rome and scientific correlation researcher, Mick O'Neill. From left
standing are David Stevens, Astronomy expert Nick Kollerstrom, Rowan
Bayne, Martin Budd, Simon Best, author and historian Patrick Curry,
Michael Startup, Graham Douglas and, on the end, in the tie, with the
dodgy patterned sweater... an early prototype version of Jonathan
Cainer.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five
Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting
new personal service from Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, March 6, 2006

Sometimes, when we hold back, we end up wishing that we had just let
rip. We regret our restraint. Yet, sometimes too, we push too far too
fast. Then we spend an eternity attempting to rectify the damage we
have done. It is so hard to know where to draw the line. That's
because the line itself is fluid. You can no more put it in one
definitive place than you can mark the spot where the sea meets the
shore. It all depends on the cosmic climate. So the following is not
an immutable rule - merely the right advice for now. Hold back a
bit.<end/> <followontag>You have just read your sun sign forecast.
Other factors in the sky though, may now be influencing your personal
birth chart. For a full horoscope reading <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and claim your 15%

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>The weekend marked the 20th anniversary of my first
ever daily zodiac column. Prior to that, I was a 'proper astrologer'.
I worked only with full horoscopes, calculated from people's date,
time and place of birth. Along with my academic collleagues, I
believed that astrology was a serious pursuit - and that
over-simplified sun-sign predictions gave our work a bad name. To this
day, many professional astrologers still feel this way. As far as
they're concerned, the day I started writing 12 forecasts a day was
the day I 'sold out'. I feel that's a bit harsh... but I have to
agree that a full personal horoscope reading definitely reveals far
more than just a general forecast for your zodiac sign. So, to redress
the balance... and TO CELEBRATE celebrate 20 YEARS OF DAILY
PREDICTIONS our website has a special offer for THE NEXT 48 HOURS
ONLY. Order any full personal horoscope reading, calculated from your
exact date of birth and receive an instant 15% DISCOUNT on the normal
price. Offer ends 9pm UK time, Tuesday. (That's about 7am Wednesday
Australia, or 1pm Tuesday, Los Angeles) But don't waste time working
out how long you've got. <a
target=_parent>Click here. NOW!</a> <font size=-1><b><i>( NB: Offer
extended in response to overwhelming demand )</i></b></font><p>Today's
picture, by the way, was taken in 1983, in London. It shows a group of
serious and highly respected astrologers... the kind who would never
bring their art into disrepute by writing sun sign predictions! On the
far left, at the table, is the late, great and still sorely missed
Charles Harvey. Seated next to him, there's Danielle Claret, Jane de
Rome and scientific correlation researcher, Mick O'Neill. From left
standing are David Stevens, Astronomy expert Nick Kollerstrom, Rowan
Bayne, Martin Budd, Simon Best, author and historian Patrick Curry,
Michael Startup, Graham Douglas and, on the end, in the tie, with the
dodgy patterned sweater... an early prototype version of Jonathan
Cainer.<p>Dear Jonathan<br>I have read that I should add one day per
year to my birth date to see what sign I belong to now. (i.e. As I was
born under Gemini in 1953, I have 'moved on' to Leo.) Is this
correct?<br>Deborah<p>Dear Deborah,<br>The idea comes from a
forecasting technique called 'progression'. I experimented with it
once years ago. I couldn't get anything useful out of it... and I
certainly would not apply it to daily forecasts. In my book, the fact
that you are interested in changing signs merely proves what an
inquisitive Gemini you still are!</thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free,
no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting new personal service from
Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, March 3, 2006

Sometimes, we forget the things that we ought to remember - and we
remember the things that we ought to forget. Something now is
triggering an interesting memory. Soon, you will wonder how you could
ever have overlooked or ignored something so relevant and so
significant. But that's largely because, up until now, it wasn't
really necessary to keep it in mind. Inwardly, something has gestated
- and grown - and changed. And now, as you rediscover it, you can
approach a current challenge in a much happier frame of mind.<end/>
<followontag>While recording your new weekly prediction, something
became very clear. I'd like to share this with you. To hear it <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and take out a free four week
no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of my first ever daily
zodiac forecast in the (now defunct) Today newspaper. Until then,
I’d been the more serious type of astrologer who works only with
full birth charts. My doubts were confirmed when, one day, for one
sign, I wrote: 'Nothing much will happen today - but yesterday, X took
place and tomorrow, Y will occur.' etc. Due to lack of space, this
long piece got reduced to, 'Sagittarius: Nothing much will happen
today.' I immediately vowed never to write another word unless I knew
how much space it was going to fill!</thought><p>Your Personal Profile
chart takes an in-depth look at your astrological inheritance. It
identifies and explains your Moon sign, your rising sign plus a host
of other key factors that are personal to you and which speak volumes
about the kind of character you have the potential to develop. If you
want to understand why you tend to be a certain way - or if you are
interested in making the most of the talents that have been granted to
you in this life... <a
target='_parent'>To find out more click here</a>.<p><font
size=-1><b>Site Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, March 2, 2006

When we successfully find a way to compensate for a problem, we tend
to feel exceptionally fond of our ‘solution’. We grow dependent on
it. We may even get addicted to it. If someone comes into our world
and tells us that we can no longer access this resource, we grow very
anxious. Even when they explain with the next breath that we won’t
need it any more because the original difficulty is also being taken
away from us, we may continue to feel apprehensive. Don’t hang on
now to something that it is perfectly safe to let go of.<end/>
<followontag>You have just read your sun sign forecast. Other factors
in the sky though, may now be influencing your personal birth chart.
For a full horoscope reading <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Photo: A convention of British astrologers, somewhere
in London, somewhere between 1982 - 5. I'm on the far right in the
jumper and tie (!). Nik Kollerstrom - astronomy expert - is second
left. The late, great Charles Harvey is seated far left. Scientific
correllation researcher, Mick O'Neill is seated far right. And the
others? If someone recognises anyone, please someone <A
href=' astrologers'>email me</a>
and, through the day, we'll update the site with info as it arrives
me.<p>My first ever daily zodiac column appeared on March 4, 1986 in
the launch issue of the now defunct Today newspaper. Then, as now, the
predictions had to be ready a couple of days in advance. I must,
therefore, have been writing those initial forecasts twenty years ago
this very day! 6,420 columns, 75,000 individual predictions or roughly
eight million words later I’m still very much enjoying the job. I
can’t get any balder or greyer, but I reckon I can manage a good few
million more words ... and I’m looking forward to the next twenty
years!</thought><p>Once a week, every week, I record an in-depth
forecast for each sign. It gives me the chance to go into the kind of
detail that I could never cover in a written prediction. People tell
me that they find these spoken readings very accurate and inspiring.
All I know is that something amazing seems to happen when I give them.
A sense of magic descends. And a powerful picture starts to paint
itself. If you've ever called the phoneline services, you'll know what
I mean. And now, it's possible to hear your forecast through your
computer. It costs less to download your weekly forecast than to hear
it through a phone call and the first month of your subscription is
absolutely free. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to give it a try.</a>

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