Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, June 21, 2006

As we were saying yesterday, what goes up must come down. But not
necessarily in the same place that it went up. You are now
understandably concerned. Arrangements seem to be falling apart.
Commitments seem to be collapsing. Old ideas about how things were
supposed to be are being called into question by challenging
developments. There's a sense of chaos, confusion and upheaval,
tension and angst, yet all that's happening is a long-awaited change
for the better.<end/> <followontag>I have just recorded your new
in-depth prediction. To hear how your whole life could change for the
better soon <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

you need to answer a big pressing question? Would you like me to read
your <b><i>Tarot cards</i></b> for you? For an instant, in depth, on
line <b><i>Tarot reading</i></b> for just &pound;4.95, click <a
href="http://www.cainer.com/tarot/" target="_new">here</a>.<p>If you
are (or would like to become) a member of our Five Star Service, you
can have your Tarot reading at a special price. <a
href="https://shop.bubble.com/" target="_parent">Click here for
details</a>.<p><end/><thought>Solstice Greetings! By the time you read
this I should be asleep, having stayed up all night to greet the
dawn. This is a great tradition amongst astrologers, though I must
admit that where once I would have carried on till the next evening, I
am reaching the time of life where it's easy to stay awake through the
shortest night but difficult to get through the longest day without a
little nap! I normally find that the first light of the Sun on
Midsummer's day brings a prophetic revelation. If I see anything, I'll
let you know tomorrow.</thought><p><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b>For a complete set of totally personal predictions have
'Your Guide to the Future' emailed direct to you - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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