Your Daily Forecast
Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, March 17, 2006
<a href='' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: There seem to be two situations developing in your life. One
has a vague quality, and the other seems focused, demanding immediate
attention. These are not separate matters, but rather two points of
view on the same basic circumstance. It proves that if you look at
something two different ways, you will see two different things.
Recent experience has shown you not to jump to conclusions before you
have all the facts - and decisions made under pressure are not always
reliable. Some influential information is coming - watch for it
carefully.<end/><br> <followontag>Each week, Jonathan records an in
depth weekly forecast for your sign. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> for a free four week no-obligation
trial of your special spoken
Jonathan's Thought for the Day.
<end/>Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by <a
href='' target='_new'>Eric Francis</a>,
creator of the fascinating web magazine, <a
target='_new'></a>.<br><thought>Eric writes: Today's
exact meeting of Pluto and the Sun may have people around you on edge
and ready to stand up for themselves at the least suggestion they're
wrong. This is a fine day to do more listening than talking, and to
take everyone's viewpoint under advisement. There are a number of
planetary factors that say 'delay making big decisions'. Instead,
collect all the information you can. The planetary picture is changing
fast, and cosmic forces that are motivating people to be unusually
individualistic will just as soon leave people alone. Meantime, please
don't get caught up in any arguments that have nothing to do with you
- or for that matter, the ones that do.</thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Before he left, Jonathan recorded some
special forecasts - for your free, no obligation, month's trial of the
exciting new personal service - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font><p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click
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