Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, June 22, 2006

It's only just begun. In the nicest possible sense, you are only just
embarking now, on an amazing expedition. A journey of discovery. This
is your chance to see past the obvious, through the facade, right into
the heart of a vital matter. This is your opportunity to stay in one
place, yet to find out just how different that place can be when it is
viewed in another light. You think you've seen it all? You ain't seen
nothin' yet. That's why, despite temporary troubles, your future looks
so wonderful.<end/> <followontag>There is an inspiring and important
prediction in your latest in-depth forecast. To hear it <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and enjoy a free trial of our Five
Star Service.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<img align=left
src=""> Do you need
to answer a big pressing question? Would you like me to read your
<b><i>Tarot cards</i></b> for you? For an instant, in depth, on line
<b><i>Tarot reading</i></b> for just &pound;4.95, click <a
href="" target="_new">here</a>.<p>If you
are (or would like to become) a member of our Five Star Service, you
can have your Tarot reading at a special price. <a
href="" target="_parent">Click here for
details</a>.<p><end/><thought>Thick clouds covered the sky as I
watched the sun rise yesterday. Instead of the first dazzling rays of
dawn, a pink and orange glow gradually filled the horizon. I was
standing in a 'Wood Henge'; a circle of giant tree trunks, specially
positioned to align with the solstice dawn. About 1000 people were
drumming, singing and playing Tibetan singing bowls. As the Sun made
its first clear appearance, a chorus of bagpipes began to play. And I
saw a difficult year for the global economy... but by no means the
time of great disaster that some now fear.</thought><p><b>Special
Solstice Offer</b><br>To mark the Solstice, there's a <b>15%
discount</b> on all Personal, Year Ahead and Compatibility charts
from me. To get your full chart, right now, <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.<font size=-1><b>(offer lasts until
8:00 pm GMT (3:00 pm EST) on Friday)</b></font>

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