Monday, March 06, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, March 7, 2006

'Better to keep your mouth shut and let others think you are a fool,
than to open it and leave them in no doubt.' This is not advice that
you need to be given. You often err on the side of caution. But,
though you may be reticent and apprehensive, you are also courageous
and tenacious. You were born to be a great warrior. You never give up
on anything or anyone (until or unless it gives up on you). Lately,
you have shown a lot of faith. It is about to be amply and wonderfully
rewarded.<end/> <followontag>Jupiter and Mercury have now changed
direction. You can change direction too. To listen <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> to take out a free four week
no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>This week marks the 20th anniversary of my first ever
daily zodiac column. Prior to that, I was a 'proper astrologer'. I
worked only with full horoscopes, calculated from people's date, time
and place of birth. Along with my academic collleagues, I believed
that astrology was a serious pursuit - and that over-simplified
sun-sign predictions gave our work a bad name. To this day, many
professional astrologers still feel this way. As far as they're
concerned, the day I started writing 12 forecasts a day was the day I
'sold out'. I feel that's a bit harsh... but I have to agree that a
full personal horoscope reading definitely reveals far more than just
a general forecast for your zodiac sign. So, to redress the balance...
and TO CELEBRATE celebrate 20 YEARS OF DAILY PREDICTIONS our website
has a special offer for THE NEXT 24 HOURS ONLY. Order any full
personal horoscope reading, calculated from your exact date of birth
and receive an instant 15% DISCOUNT on the normal price. Offer ends
9pm UK time, Tuesday. (That's about 7am Wednesday Australia, or 1pm
Tuesday, Los Angeles) But don't waste time working out how long
you've got. <a
target=_parent>Click here. NOW!</a> <font size=-1><b><i>( NB: Offer
extended in response to overwhelming demand )</i></b></font><p>Today's
picture, by the way, was taken in 1983, in London. It shows a group of
serious and highly respected astrologers... the kind who would never
bring their art into disrepute by writing sun sign predictions! On the
far left, at the table, is the late, great and still sorely missed
Charles Harvey. Seated next to him, there's Danielle Claret, Jane de
Rome and scientific correlation researcher, Mick O'Neill. From left
standing are David Stevens, Astronomy expert Nick Kollerstrom, Rowan
Bayne, Martin Budd, Simon Best, author and historian Patrick Curry,
Michael Startup, Graham Douglas and, on the end, in the tie, with the
dodgy patterned sweater... an early prototype version of Jonathan
Cainer.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Get the "Five
Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation, 28 trial of your exciting
new personal service from Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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