Your Daily Forecast
Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, April 28, 2006
You won a lottery the moment you arrived on this planet. Against
enormous odds, in a universe strewn with billions of barren galaxies,
you found a world capable of supporting life. You then managed to
manifest yourself in that world as a human - and not as a plant, an
insect or a single-cell amoeba. Mars, as it now passes through your
sign, is helping you to remember what it really feels like to be a
winner. It's not about power or money - it is about enthusiasm and
gratitude.<end/> <followontag>Need to know more? A full chart
reading, based on your exact date of birth will equip you with all the
information you need to see your current problems in perspective and
become ready to seize forthcoming opportunities. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> to get your personal horoscope,
Jonathan's Thought for the Day.
<end/><thought>Next week Eric Francis will be writing your predictions
between Monday and Friday. During my break, I intend to start writing
a book about 'Cosmic Ordering'. Now that people all over the world are
talking about this topic, I feel it's important to say all I know
about how it works and how it should best be used. I'd also like to
include some true stories. Have you ever consciously 'asked the
universe' for something? How did you do it? And when? What result did
you get? If you've got a tale to share please drop me a line <A
ordering'></a>. If you can remember any exact dates and
times of asking and/or receiving, that would help the astrological
side of my research all the more... though I am still keen to hear
from you even if you can't recall such information.</thought> <p><i>If
you have sound on your computer you can listen to me talk about Cosmic
Ordering <a href="/audio/cosmicordering.htm" target=_new>click
here.</a></i><p>If life is a journey... where is the map? Actually, it
exists! Secretly, silently, it was issued by the cosmos at the very
moment when you first arrived on this planet. If you've never seen
your full personal birth chart, it's time you knew what it contained.
It's a complete map of the sky as it looked, from your birthplace, at
the exact minute you were born. It contains valuable information about
your past, your present... and your future potential. It will tell you
what makes you unique - and where your greatest opportunities and
talents lie. It's available, instantly, on line. <a
target='_parent'>Just click here.</a><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For a free, no obligation,
one month trial of your exciting new personal audio service from
Jonathan - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> - now includes Tomorrow's Predictions
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