Thursday, April 20, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, April 21, 2006

Sometimes, everything runs smoothly. Sometimes, nothing falls into
place no matter how hard you try to make it. We can argue about what
causes all this. We can blame it on attitudes, emotions, external
conditions - or even the alignment of the planets. The fact remains,
though, that for no apparent reason we go through phases of great
progress, followed by times of seeming stagnation. Mars is now in your
sign. You are on a roll. Never mind what's different or why. Just
seize your opportunity and make the most of it.<end/>
<followontag>Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your
exact date, time and place of birth. I'll check the position of every
planet in the sky over the coming year - and give you a set of
amazingly accurate, deeply inspiring, in depth predictions. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> and get

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>I sang in a college chorus once. 150
of us were trying to sing 'Dona Nobis Pacem', which is Latin for 'give
us peace.' The choral director stamped his feet, waved his arms and
admonished, 'No, no, no!' We were too loud, too forceful. He
instructed us, 'Do not insist or demand when you speak to God! You
must REQUEST. You never insist!' I keep remembering this when I hear
people talk about 'Cosmic Ordering'. If we're looking for a phrase to
sum up 'asking the universe for help' perhaps it should contain the
word 'request'.<br>Cassia</thought> <p><i>If you have sound on your
computer you can listen to me talk more about Cosmic Ordering <a
href="/audio/cosmicordering.htm" target=_new>click here.</a></i><p>If
life is a journey... where is the map? Actually, it exists! Secretly,
silently, it was issued by the cosmos at the very moment when you
first arrived on this planet. If you've never seen your full personal
birth chart, it's time you knew what it contained. It's a complete map
of the sky as it looked, from your birthplace, at the exact minute you
were born. It contains valuable information about your past, your
present... and your future potential. It will tell you what makes you
unique - and where your greatest opportunities and talents lie. It's
available, instantly, on line. <a
target='_parent'>Just click here.</a>

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