Thursday, April 13, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, April 14, 2006

Technically and officially, the Moon is no longer full. When you look
at it tonight, though, you'll be hard pushed to see much evidence of
it waning. We can say much the same about the great drama that has
preoccupied you so much lately. Ostensibly, all is much as it was.
Subtle yet crucial changes, though, have begun to take place. Have
faith in these, please. The most difficult part of a journey is behind
you. Easier territory is on the horizon and, as Mars now moves into
your sign, you're travelling towards it at an amazing pace.<end/>
<followontag>I've got some excellent news for you in your long-range,
in-depth forecast. To hear it <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and enjoy a free trial of the Five
Star Service.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Hi Jonathan,<br>Cosmic Ordering has never worked for
me. I am single, 39, and have never had a decent lasting romantic
relationship. So why, despite 20 years of asking, begging, demanding
and pleading with the universe have I been denied a
husband?<br>Michele.<p>Dear Michele,<br>Asking is fine. Begging,
demanding and pleading though, suggests desperation. The universe may
not mind you feeling this way... but the potential partners it keeps
sending your way may sense this and be put off by it! Keep your
request open but be more relaxed about how and when it is going to be
fulfilled.</thought><p>I have just recorded my latest set of in-depth
week ahead predictions. These take a close up look at what's really
happening to you at the moment and, because <a
href="/audio/cosmicordering.htm" target=_new>Cosmic Ordering</a> has
been so much in the news lately, they also focus on what it might now
be most appropriate for you to ask the universe for! They also contain
step by step instructions on how you can place an effective 'cosmic
order' right here... and now.<br>If you'd like to hear your forecast,
all you have to do is sign up for a FREE, no obligation trial of our
special FIVE STAR service.<br>What's more, there's a special extra
offer this Easter. If you join the service over the Easter weekend,
you'll also get free, instant access to our <b>NEXT DAY</b> prediction
service.<br>This allows you to see TOMORROW'S PREDICTIONS TODAY
whenever you visit this website!<br><a
target='_parent'>To try out the Five Star Service, just click
here.</a><br>PS If you choose to keep your subscription after the
month's free trial has elapsed, you'll continue to have free automatic
access to this much requested facility.<p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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