Monday, April 17, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You can't compare apples with oranges. You can't, come to that,
compare what's happening now with anything that's happened in your
life over the last couple of years. You've got to go a fair way into
the past before you come across a set of cosmic conditions quite like
the ones that are operating on you now. Remember the last time you
felt truly empowered, energised and inspired? Recall the last time you
truly changed your world for the better? You are about to do it
again.<end/> <followontag>Ask the universe for what you want this
week... and you could actually get it. I tell you how in your new
in-depth forecast. To hear it <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and enjoy a free trial of the Five
Star Service.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought> Dear Jonathan<br>As a psychotherapist, I think 'Cosmic
Ordering' simply panders to people who do not have the internal
strength to accept that what you get out of life is directly
proportional to what you put into it. It's essential to know what you
want and then decide how you are going to TRY to get it. Failure is an
option. Sitting back and waiting for the cosmos to bring things to
you, isn't.<br>Stephen<p>Dear Stephen,<br>I agree that effort is
important. But it is important too, to trust that the cosmos is
(largely) 'on your side'.</thought><p>I have just recorded my latest
set of in-depth week ahead predictions. These take a close up look at
what's really happening to you at the moment and, because <a
href="/audio/cosmicordering.htm" target=_new>Cosmic Ordering</a> has
been so much in the news lately, they also focus on what it might now
be most appropriate for you to ask the universe for! They also contain
step by step instructions on how you can place an effective 'cosmic
order' right here... and now.<br>If you'd like to hear your forecast,
all you have to do is sign up for a FREE, no obligation trial of our
special FIVE STAR service.<br>What's more, there's a special extra
offer this Easter. If you join the service over the Easter weekend,
you'll also get free, instant access to our <b>NEXT DAY</b> prediction
service.<br>This allows you to see TOMORROW'S PREDICTIONS TODAY
whenever you visit this website!<br><a
target='_parent'>To try out the Five Star Service, just click
here.</a><br>PS If you choose to keep your subscription after the
month's free trial has elapsed, you'll continue to have free automatic
access to this much requested facility.<p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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