Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, April 27, 2006

Can you put a foot wrong? Of course. Mars may be in your sign but that
doesn't make you superhuman. You can't, though, put both feet in the
wrong place! Really. Try it if you don't believe me. Deliberately do
the silliest thing you can think of. You'll find, even if you try,
that somehow, there's a hidden rhyme and reason for the course of
action you choose and that all works out surprisingly well. But if,
instead of trying to make a mistake, you try to get it right, you'll
find you can't really do anything else.<end/> <followontag>Let me
calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and
place of birth. I'll check the position of every planet in the sky
over the coming year - and give you a set of amazingly accurate,
deeply inspiring, in depth predictions. <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> and get

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><thought>Lottery winner Gareth Cooper has plenty to smile about
today. Gareth scooped the UK National Lottery prize of £2.5million -
and he was quick to say a big public thank-you to Jonathan, his
favourite astrologer. Cancerian Gareth had been expecting something
good coming his way following a series of positive predictions in his
daily horoscope.<br>Gareth told the Daily Mail: "I've been following
Jonathan for about 15 years. He is the most accurate astrologer
around." In the week before his numbers came up, Jonathan had written:
"A long overdue change for the better is happening in the only way it
can!" A few days later Gareth read: "As Mars enters Cancer, your world
is changing yet again. Here comes a strange but pleasing week." And on
the day of the draw, Jonathan wrote: "The world had better watch out.
You have... fortunes to make. Expect success!"<br>Gareth said:
"Jonathan Cainer has come up with a string of uncanny predictions over
the years which have proved very close to what happened in my own life
- I trust him completely. On the day of the draw my horoscope was
about people sitting up and taking notice of me and I began to think
my luck was in."<br>Gareth's windfall was triggered after winning a
£10 prize on the previous lottery. He bought some extra tickets and
some scratchcards. One of the scratchcards gave a £1 prize which
Gareth then used to buy his winning Lucky Dip ticket. With a Lucky Dip
ticket the buyer does not choose the numbers. They are picked at
random and the buyer just has to ask the universe to help. And the
universe really helped this time. Gareth, 54, a former factory worker
from Cwmbran, South Wales, is planning to buy a farm for himself and
his wife Jenny and 17-year-old daughter Hannah.<p>Actually, I didn't
specifically predict that Gareth from South Wales would win 2.4
million pounds. I just told him that he could expect his fortunes to
change for the better, quickly! Still though, it's very kind of him to
speak so nicely of me. Not all Cancerians can expect such a lottery
win over the next few weeks but soon, one way or another, they will
all have reason to feel uplifted and empowered. Nor are Cancerians the
only people now being blessed by a benign sky. Today's New Moon
creates an auspicious climate for anyone, of any sign, who sincerely
wants to reach for positive change, wise insight... and profound
inspiration.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>IMPORTANT NOTE: Jonathan's best, most inspiring in-depth
predictions are the five minute spoken forecasts that he records for
you each week, You can hear these on the phone (<a href="phone.html"
target="main">click here</a> for details) or, if you have the ability
to play sound on your machine, you can make a considerable saving on
the dial in cost by DOWNLOADING your reading each week. To do this,
you first have to join our special Five Star Service. It's easy to
sign up and currently, you get your first month on a FREE TRIAL basis.
If you cancel before your first month expires, you will not be charged
a penny. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to give it a go.</a> It could change your
life forever! Due to an overwhelming response, we are extending our
offer of Tomorrow's Predictions Today included in this Five Star

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