Your Daily Forecast
Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, December 30, 2005
'Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the
eternal rule.' We begin 2006 with a new moon in your opposite sign.
The 'big issue' for you now, is linked to an emotional bond that is
not always easy to keep up. You can't break it, though. Nor can you
let what's wrong with it overshadow your appreciation of what's right
about it. Buddha's wise words say all you need to know about how to
move on. Embrace generosity as you enter 2006... and it will embrace
you all year long.<end/> <font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><followontag>Let Jonathan show you what the planets have
in store for you in 2006 <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag></b><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><extratag>The best way to hear your
in-depth forecast from Jonathan is by clicking on <a
target='_parent'>this link</a>.</extratag>
Jonathan's Thought for the Day.
<end/><center><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Do you want to know
what 2006 has in store for you?<br>Is there a big issue rising up in
your life?<br>Have you got a pressing question?<br>Are you wrestling
with a difficult dilemma?<br>You need to know what's happening in your
full birth chart.<br>Jonathan's instant PERSONAL PREDICTION service
provides this facility, in full detail for a fraction of the price you
would normally pay for a personal consultation with an astrologer. <a
target=_parent> Click here to download
yours.</a>.</b></center></font><p><thought>Over the holiday I have
been including, in each forecast, words from some great, wise people.
So far, I have quoted Jesus, Confucius, Einstein and Mother Theresa.
Today's predictions all include a comment from Siddhartha Gautama who
was born in Nepal, around 563BC. Today, he is better known to millions
across the world, as "Buddha".</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><font color=red>New! Your 2006 forecast.</font> In your
latest audio forecast, I talk about the best resolution you can make
for 2006 and I explain what you most need to know about your love life
during the coming year, click <a
target="_new">HERE</a> for a month's free trial.</b></font><p><font
size=-1><b>Site Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click
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