Sunday, December 04, 2005

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, December 5, 2005

We have a choice, every moment. We can think kind thoughts about
others or we can indulge a desire to attribute blame. We can feel
grateful for all that we have or we can feel bitterly disappointed
about all we lack. We can trust that the universe will support us if
we make an honest endeavour to do what's good - or we can cower in
fear of forces that seem to be threatening our wellbeing. If ever you
were entitled to adopt a positive attitude and hope, with
justification, for the best... it's this week.<end/> <followontag>I
have just recorded your in-depth forecast for the week ahead. To hear
a very pleasing prediction <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and find out how to listen <i>FREE</i>
for a month!</followontag></font><font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><extratag><p>2006 is almost here. Have a sneak preview
with a Guide to the Future from Jonathan <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>. </extratag></b>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size=-1>Your Personal Profile chart
takes an in-depth look at your astrological inheritance. It identifies
and explains your Moon sign, your rising sign plus a host of other key
factors that are personal to you and which speak volumes about the
kind of character you have the potential to develop. If you want to
understand why you tend to be a certain way - or if you are interested
in making the most of the talents that have been granted to you in
this life... <a
target='_parent'>To find out more click
here</a>.</b></font><p><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>Before you took your
break last week, you mentioned the president of Thailand's interest in
astrology. Did you also know that the King and Queen of Nepal only
visit their troops when Mars is favourable?<br>Angela<p>Dear
Angela,<br>Indeed. And Nancy Reagan famously used astrology to
schedule her husband's historic summit meetings. Nor are these the
only examples of people in high office consulting members of my
profession. I'd say more but my phone is ringing. 'Hello? Ah yes,
Gordon. Listen, about those growth rate
figures...'</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'><font
color=red>New! Your 2006 forecast.</font> Want to know what the coming
year has in store? To listen to or watch your audio/video forecast for
2006, plus weekly and personal forecasts, click <a
target="_new">HERE</a> for a month's free trial.</b></font>

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