Sunday, July 31, 2005

August 1 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, August 1, 2005

Far better to be a fool than a cynic. Far preferable to be naive than
to be numb. Far wiser to be open-minded than to be closed-hearted. Far
braver to allow yourself to be vulnerable than to shut yourself off
from all potential risks. I think you know why I am saying this. If
you are not so sure, it can only be because you are too sure about a
particular idea or opinion. A state of relative certainty is a fine
thing. A state of complete conviction, though, is an invitation to
obsession. Leave room in your mind for just a little doubt.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

July 29 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, July 29, 2005

Deal with what must be dealt with. Postpone everything else. In doing
so, you won't be avoiding an issue or ignoring an important factor.
You will simply be allowing a little more time to pass. In the
process, you will also be gathering more strength and gaining more
perspective. Right now, that which isn't absolutely urgent is, to some
extent, irrelevant. And, most crucially, it is subject to change. Wait
until it naturally rises to the top of your list if, indeed, it ever

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

July 28 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, July 28, 2005

Don't be in a hurry to solve your problem. Once you sort it out (as
you will, I promise) you will be committed to a course of action for a
long while. Right now, you have fluidity and flexibility. Perhaps you
can't appreciate the importance of this because you so much want to
settle an important matter. You are, though, in the process of making
choices that will shape your life for a long time to come. You don't
yet know as much about these as you need to. The more you find out,
the happier you will feel

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

July 27 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, July 27, 2005

You've got too much on your plate. You can't, though, just walk away
from a responsibility or forget an important objective. How can you
balance your desire to be efficient with your need for more comfort?
By prioritising your problems! Some don't need to be solved
immediately. They can remain awkward for a while as long as they don't
get any worse. Others, though, need urgent attention. Deal with those
first as best you can. Clear a little space and everything will start
to seem simpler.

Monday, July 25, 2005

July 26 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What you need is a sweet and gentle day. You deserve to be comforted,
cosseted, supported and encouraged. There has been enough stress and
strife. You may not yet have what you need - or want. You may feel
that there is still much further to go. But that's all the more reason
to slow down for a while. Think of yourself as a marathon runner, in
with an excellent chance of completing the race, just so long as you
now pace yourself. That's crucial to your eventual success. So take
your chance to ease up just a little.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

July 25-31 - Your Weekly Forecast

This week July 25 through July 31


Mars moves out of Aries on Thursday and into Taurus and the social sector of your chart, where it is going to stay for some time - a number of months in fact. So your social life is going to blossom and get a lot more hectic. You will be encouraged to get out and meet more people than you have in some time, and now that Saturn has left your sign you are not quite as protective. Things are opening up for you, as the more people you meet, the more opportunities will come your way.

July 25 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, July 25, 2005

The insurance industry offers us many examples of artificially
inflated need. Of course, we all have to be protected against
uncertainty in the future... but where are we supposed to draw the
line? Some people have policies to cover their policies. There's a lot
being said and suggested to you now. Some of it clearly makes sense.
Some of it definitely makes no real sense at all. Quite a lot of it
lies in that dreadful grey area marked 'it depends how you look at
it'. If that's the case, maybe it's best not to look at it at

Thursday, July 21, 2005

July 22 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, July 22, 2005

What if I were to say you had a dreadful weekend ahead? You don't, I
promise... but suppose you did. Would it help to be told this - or
would it just plant a big, negative expectation in your mind? The
power of suggestion is like a clockwork toy; if you wind it up and set
it off... it will wind you up and set you off. Watch for that this
weekend. Watch, too, for an overly active imagination. Employ it to
envisage the best solution you can dream up... not the scariest
scenario you can think of

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

July 21 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, July 21, 2005

Sometimes, when we are getting over an illness, we have a sudden
relapse, just before the symptoms finally subside. Watch now for a
brief return to a frame of mind you thought you had conquered. The
Full Moon in your opposite sign is being made more powerful by a close
alignment to Saturn, the 'restriction planet' that left your sign at
the weekend after hanging over your life for more than two years. But
you're not 'going back'. You're just taking one last look at the past
before embracing a far better future

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

July 20 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, July 20, 2005

You feel as if you need is to be rescued. Now Saturn is no longer in
your sign, there is a real way to be helped. So, er... what's the
problem? Well, you are, in some ways, rather like someone who had
fallen off a cliff. You have not, though, fallen all the way. You have
managed to catch the branch of tree, growing out from a crack in the
rock. You are clinging to this for all you are worth. A rope ladder is
now dangling over your head. To escape, you must let go of that tree
and grab hold of that flimsy route to real safety. Do you have the

Monday, July 18, 2005

July 19 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Saturn has left your sign - but has it left your life? Rather like a
house guest who has come, from far away, to live with you for a while
- and whose visit has now reached a natural end, it has made a big
impact on your world and moved on. You are now trying to get back to
normal, but you keep remembering some of the conversations that you
had... and some of the decisions that you reached during the stay. But
things really have changed for the better - as soon you will

Sunday, July 17, 2005

July 18-24 - Your Weekly Forecast

This week July 18 through July 24


All the pressure and difficulties you have been through are about to lessen as Saturn leaves your sign on Saturday and moves into Leo. You have had enough of battling with problems that never seemed to go away. But now they will, and you will emerge so much stronger and able to confront almost anything that comes along. Mars trines Pluto on Friday, which adds a real burst of power to the events of the week. An obstacle to a certain career decision will be blasted away, and you will be able to forge ahead.

July 18 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, July 18, 2005

We often make a great mistake when we focus only on what we think we
want to see. We substitute reality with an impression of reality that
suits our current need to believe something. In the process, we
undermine our own strength. We lose perspective. We jump to
conclusions. Now that Saturn has left your sign, you are starting to
explore a wider range of possibilities. You will soon come across one
that starts to make all the sense in the world to you... and to
everyone else

Thursday, July 14, 2005

July 15 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, July 15, 2005

Breathe. As deeply and slowly as you can. Imagine yourself, with each
inhalation, welling up with hope and life and love. Envisage yourself,
with each gentle exhalation, eliminating anger, fear resentment and
all other poisonous feelings from your heart. Then, relax! Well done.
You'll be a yogi soon at this rate. As Saturn now prepares to leave
your sign, there is a most irritating factor that you need to rise
above. The choice is very simple. Either you must become bigger than
it. Or it will continue to seem bigger than you

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

July 14 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, July 14, 2005

If you are writing a book and it's not very exciting, there's an easy
way to add drama. Just introduce a countdown. Set a deadline. Involve
your characters in some breathless race against the clock. It works
every time. In real life though, countdowns are not such fun. They are
intimidating - or even hypnotic. We get rooted to the spot by the
false feeling that some future event is inevitable. Something big is
coming up for you soon. But you do have a choice. So don't just sit
there. Decide what it is that you want to DO about it

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

July 13 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Usually, when people seem to be losing an argument, they change the
subject or they introduce some complicated new factor, designed to
baffle their adversary. Somehow, by subtly shifting the goal posts,
they end up getting most of what they want. This time honoured
technique works well. It has, though, no place in your current
strategy. You require a specific solution to a specific problem. A
fudge or a compromise will not suffice. Stick to a simple plan,
regardless of whether you now seem to be winning or losing.

Monday, July 11, 2005

July 12 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It is time to reflect. As Saturn now prepares to leave your sign, you
are entering a phase during which your priorities will remain fixed
for some while to come. These will establish your agenda. They will
define the areas in which you succeed. You probably WILL succeed. You
most likely WILL get what you have set your heart on. But if your
heart is set on something unwise, you may not actually appreciate that
success. So think carefully, now, about what those priorities really
should be.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

And my 'real' July 11, 2005 HART-Oscope

Well, this one is not a generic Cancer one .. but, based on my birthday which is July 11, 19xx ..


Sun Sign: Cancer
Rising Sign: ?

July 11, 2005 today

You could want to take things a step further with your romance, Hartley. This is an exciting period for you in which you might just make a firmer commitment to someone. If you've been dating casually, it's time to go steady. If you've been living together, maybe you will think about getting married. Only you can decide what the next step is for you. But don't be afraid to go for it if your heart tells you to!

And Yet Another July 11, 2005 HART-oscope

Your social skills could be put to work today in order to advance your own ambitions, dear Cancer, or perhaps to help out a colleague or employer. You'll do well and impress the people you meet, though you might find them a bit boring. Hang in there - some very positive results could stem from your efforts! A gift from a friend or lover could come your way, brightening your day considerably. Enjoy it!

And Another July 11, 2005 HART-oscope

Monday, July 11, 2005

A sudden, unexpected encounter may catch you off guard. You're also apt to throw routine to the wind and do something quite out of character for you.

Another July 11, 2005 HART-oscope

July 11, 2005

You may be about to enter a new stage in your social and sentimental life. Meeting with younger persons, communication with your loved one, and travelling are favoured.

You have a strong desire to make a change. This is the right time to join in a new business project.

You are advised to remain cautious with your expenses.

July 11 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, July 11, 2005

What have you done wrong? What do you have to apologise for? Come on.
Own up. Astrologers can see everything you know... Er, actually, we
can't. We can just see some things, sometimes. But we know, like most
people know, that if you ask smart questions in a commanding tone, you
may get back interesting answers. Please don't be fooled, today, into
giving out more information than you need to. And definitely don't let
a sense of guilt lead you to assume that you must have made some big

Thursday, July 07, 2005

July 8 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, July 8, 2005

Saturn will leave your sign in just over a week. Already, its bags are
packed. It is loosening its grip on you. You are no longer feeling so
restricted, daunted, intimidated or limited. Must you wait until this
difficult planet ends its two-year spell in your sign before you fully
find your freedom and strength? Absolutely not. Defy your sense of
'what's impossible' this weekend. Reach out for the very best. And
then prepare to be truly amazed and delighted.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

July 7 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, July 7, 2005

Once upon a time, you couldn't walk. You couldn't talk. You couldn't
tie your shoelaces. You couldn't read. You couldn't write. You
couldn't add up. You couldn't cook. You couldn't... Well, I hope you
can see what I'm driving at. Very early in your life you overcame a
series of enormous challenges. You have some truly impressive
achievements under your belt. Now, er... what precisely is it that you
feel you couldn't do - or couldn't possibly learn to do? Don't limit
your potential. Trust yourself and try

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

July 6 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Your heart is not especially inclined to do whatever people are
expecting of you. Bigger issues are preoccupying you. These include
the desire to exercise your right to reconsider commitments you have
kept up without question for ages. You have such a right. It is
important to use it. Even if there's nothing you can change or nothing
you actually dare change, yet... you are fully entitled to those
thoughts. You don't have to tell everyone, but nor do you have to
apologise for it.

Monday, July 04, 2005

July 5 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Some kind of move must be made. Some sort of change must come about.
What if, in your attempt to make something better, you accidentally
make it worse? Your desire to 'get it right' is freezing you to the
spot. You have to thaw out, even if the only way to do so is to
generate what's probably the wrong kind of heat. It doesn't matter.
Movement, even if it isn't the ideal type of movement, will create
freedom and opportunity. With that, you'll be able to set everything

Sunday, July 03, 2005

July 4 - Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, July 4, 2005

Of course life is a carnival. Just look at all the litter on the
streets - and the amount of booze for sale everywhere. Or course life
is a circus. Why it's absolutely full of clowns. And of course too,
life is a bowl of cherries. Tiny, shiny pieces of promise; some of
which are sweet, many of which are sour and all of which contain
indigestible stones. You have had, lately, a bittersweet relationship
with life. But by and large, the bitter bit is over. It's time now for
some sweet stuff. It starts any day now.