Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Life is full of situations that don't make sense. We all know this and
we don't like it very much. That's why we try to surround ourselves
with things that at least make some sense of a kind. Then, we pick
friends who can see sense in the same things that we can. All this
helps to make us feel secure. It stops us from noticing the full
extent of the craziness and chaos. Right now, you are obliged to
recognise how widespread this is. You have a ridiculous set of
circumstances, but you have nothing to worry about.<end/>
<followontag>You have just read your sun sign forecast. Other factors
in the sky though, may now be influencing your personal birth chart.
Download a full horoscope reading <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b>To read your Financial prediction for 2006 - <a
href="2006/index.html" target="main">click here</a></b> - for the
final update of the Year Ahead predictions.<p><thought>Hi
Jonathan,<br>I'm very worried about global climate change. Do you
agree with those who say that it will get
worse?<br>Thanks,<br>Jason<p>Dear Jason,<br>I appear to have developed
a reputation for being the astrologer who says, 'Don't worry, it will
all be fine.' Despite this, I am very concerned about global warming.
The planets suggest it is a very real, urgent issue that needs to be
taken much more seriously. Rather ironically, though, they also
suggest that as long as enough people start worrying soon, we won't
have quite so much to worry about!</thought><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b>For a complete set of totally
personal predictions have 'Your Guide to the Future' emailed direct to
you <a href='http://charts.bubble.com/w/intro3.cfm?ref=c-frontpage'
target='_parent'>Click here</a></font></b>

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