Sunday, January 22, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, January 23, 2006

You know how sometimes you can sit on the same sofa, in the same room
for weeks or even years on end? One day, you just walk in and realise
that if you move the furniture around, you can make the place totally
different and a whole lot better. You don't have to throw everything
out and start all over again; you just have to do a creative shuffle
to the existing components. Something like that is now happening in
your broader 'living space'. This week, you will see a new and easy
solution to an old problem.<end/> <followontag>You have just read
your sun sign forecast. Other factors in the sky though, may now be
influencing your personal birth chart. Download a full horoscope
reading <a href=''
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b>To read your Financial prediction for 2006 - <a
href="2006/index.html" target="main">click here</a></b> - for the
final update of the Year Ahead predictions.<p><thought>SONAR is the
technical name for "SOund NAvigation and Ranging". We can't detect
this, but whales and dolphins can hear it all too clearly. It
interferes with their communication and drives them insane. Navy Sonar
has recently become much more powerful. It is the most likely cause of
several 'mass strandings'. If whales could speak they'd say, 'Please
turn it off before you kill us all.' This weekend they sent a
representative on a desperate mission to the Houses of Parliament.
Whales must be praying that the human race is now intelligent enough
to interpret their message properly.</thought><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b>Reveal the astrological secrets of
2006, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions <a
target='_parent'>instantly download 'Your Guide to the

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