Thursday, January 19, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, January 20, 2006

We don't have to climb mountains or swim oceans in order to do
something impressive. Sometimes, we achieve the most when we do the
least. It's not the actions we take that make a difference - it's the
ones we refrain from taking. There is a lot you could say this
weekend. There is a battle you could fight or an argument you could
pursue. If, though, you can just stand back from all that seems to be
drawing you into a maelstrom of mixed emotion, you can enjoy a true
triumph.<end/> <followontag>Your new in-depth forecast contains a
pleasing promise. To hear a prediction that will make you smile <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a> and find out how to listen <i>FREE</i>
for a month!</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b>To read your Financial prediction for 2006 - <a
href="2006/index.html" target="main">click here</a></b> - for the
final update of the Year Ahead predictions.<p><thought>Hi
Jonathan,<br>I am a Cancerian. My daughter is an Aries, born in 1988.
She has always listened to my advice - until recently. I now realise
she was born during the last Lunar Standstill. Do you think the repeat
of this rare phenomenon could explain the arguments we are
having.<br>Kate<p>Dear Kate,<br>It may be a part of the explanation,
but every parent/child relationship, no matter how good, has to go
through a difficult rite of passage when the child starts to assert
their own independence. Take it in your stride and it won't last too
long.</thought><p><font face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b>For a
complete set of totally personal predictions have 'Your Guide to the
Future' emailed direct to you <a
target='_parent'>Click here</a></font></b><p><font size=-1><b>Site
Update:</b> Astrology Secrets Revealed from <b><a
href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b> now
updated - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click

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