Sunday, November 20, 2005

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, November 21, 2005

You have extremely high standards. Usually, these ensure that you
achieve a great deal and can be proud of all you do. Sometimes,
though, that desire to reach for the best can work against you. It can
cause frustration. It can cause you, too, to get overly involved in
situations that you might be far wiser to stand back from. An
arrangement is less than perfect. It may not be possible, though, to
improve it immediately, no matter how hard you try. Stick to your
ambition, but try being a little less bothered about how quickly you
fulfil it.<end/> <followontag>I've got some excellent news for you in
your in-depth forecast. To hear it <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and find out how to listen <i>FREE</i>
for a month!</followontag></font><font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><extratag><p>2006 is almost here. Have a sneak preview
with a Guide to the Future from Jonathan <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>. </extratag></b>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size=-1>Your Personal Profile chart
takes an in-depth look at your astrological inheritance. It identifies
and explains your Moon sign, your rising sign plus a host of other key
factors that are personal to you and which speak volumes about the
kind of character you have the potential to develop. If you want to
understand why you tend to be a certain way - or if you are interested
in making the most of the talents that have been granted to you in
this life... <a
target='_parent'>To find out more click
here</a>.</b></font><p><thought> Hi Jonathan<br>In the sixties, there
was a song about the 'Dawning of the Age of Aquarius'. 40 years later,
people are still expecting a 'new age'. So when will it begin... and
why does it 'follow' the age of Pisces? Surely Pisces comes AFTER
Aquarius?<br>Thanks Thea<p> Dear Thea,<br>The ages are determined by
'The precession of the equinoxes.' Their 26,000-year cycle runs
backwards through the zodiac. Each 'age' lasts a 12th of this time and
the 'overlap' lasts a few centuries. The new age though, IS still
dawning and the rate of change is speeding up. </thought><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Jonathan has got something to say to
you...<br>Click <a
target=_parent>HERE</a> to find out more and listen to Jonathan
<i>FREE</i> for a month!</b></font>

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