Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Wednesday, November 30, 2005

<a href='http://www.planetwaves.net/' target='_new'><b>Eric</b></a>
writes: Tomorrow's New Moon occurs in the work and well-being angle of
your solar chart. You have Sagittarius on this angle, which means that
all matters of health, productivity and daily life are one and the
same as your spiritual existence. You're not someone who has to have
any form of religion or spirituality apart from your normal routine,
ethics or sense of service. Your great gift in this lifetime is to
live your beliefs truly. Remember this when you're making adjustments
or working on solving any kind of health problem. Faith can indeed
move mountains; fortunately, you don't need quite that much
help.<end/> <br><font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><followontag>For a complete set of totally personal
predictions have 'Your Guide to the Future' emailed direct to you <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag></b><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><extratag>The best way to hear your
in-depth forecast from Jonathan is by clicking on <a
target='_parent'>this link</a>.</extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>Your Personal Profile chart takes an in-depth look at your
astrological inheritance. It identifies and explains your Moon sign,
your rising sign plus a host of other key factors that are personal to
you and which speak volumes about the kind of character you have the
potential to develop. If you want to understand why you tend to be a
certain way - or if you are interested in making the most of the
talents that have been granted to you in this life... <a
target='_parent'>Click here to read yours</a>.<p>Jonathan is away.
Your forecasts today are written by <a
href='http://www.planetwaves.net/' target='_new'><b>Eric
Francis</b></a>, creator of the fascinating web magazine, <a
target='_new'>PlanetWaves.net</a>.<br><thought>Eric writes: Tomorrow's
New Moon is a rather spectacular one. The fact that it's in
Sagittarius is a good start, as it's the zodiac sign of what's
possible beyond what we believed. It also makes a friendly aspect to
taskmaster Saturn. Much is possible, and this manifests for everyone
differently. Make a plan or set a goal, making sure it's a bit beyond
your current reach. Aim high - you're likely to impress
yourself.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'><font
color=red>New! Your 2006 forecast.</font> Want to know what the coming
year has in store? To listen to or watch your audio/video forecast for
2006, plus weekly and personal forecasts, click <a
target="_new">HERE</a> for a month's free trial.</b></font><p><b><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'><A HREF="http://www.astrocal.co.uk/"
TARGET='_new'>Click here</a> for "The best moon calendar there is,
everyone who has an interest in Astrology should have

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