Your Daily Forecast
Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, September 20, 2005
One person's definition of reality is another's idea of wild fantasy.
You now have some big ideas. There are journeys of discovery that you
want to make - and there may also be a journey of escape that you are
contemplating. You're not happy with 'reality' as defined by one group
of people in your world. It seems to you too much like a fantasy that
only works because it involves the denial of certain facts. Others,
though, may now be levelling a similar accusation at you. But you are
entitled to pursue your vision now.<end/> <br><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b><followontag>Download your
personal predictions based on your date, time and place of birth <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag></b><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><extratag>The best way to hear your
in-depth forecast from Jonathan is by clicking on <a
target='_parent'>this link</a>.</extratag>
Jonathan's Thought for the Day.
<end/><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>DID YOU KNOW? A difference
of a few minutes in time of birth - or a few miles in place of birth
can have a big impact on the kind of person you turn out to be. Once
you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the
planets are right now - and where they will be in the future. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to get an instant, in-depth, fully
personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the
next three, six or twelve months.</a></b></font><p><thought>Dear
Jonathan,<br>Last week you said, 'Your Sun sign describes the real
you.' I thought my Moon sign was supposed to do that.<br>Helene<p>Dear
Helene<br>I apologise for oversimplifying my explanation. In reality,
astrology is more complicated. It has to be... because our
personalities are like gems with many facets. The Moon in your chart
describes your emotional make-up. The Sun describes your 'sense of
self'. But I still maintain that here on this page, we are doing Sun
sign astrology. We have only one sun sign so we should only read one
forecast! </thought><p><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'>Jonathan has got something to say to you...<br>Click <a
target=_parent>HERE</a> to find out more and listen to Jonathan
<i>FREE</i> for a month!</b></font
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