Sunday, September 18, 2005

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, September 19, 2005

Astrologers, traditionally, cover love, luck and money. This
astrologer, though, believes very firmly that luck is something we
make for ourselves, not something we get from the sky. Luck is a frame
of mind, a willingness to recognise and accept opportunity. It is a
natural by-product of sincerity, open-mindedness, faith in nature and
purity of motive. That said - if you are hoping for a helpful
coincidence to occur this week - it does seem that such events crop up
more under certain cosmic conditions. Like those influencing you
now!<end/> <br><followontag>There's brilliant news and priceless
advice in your new in-depth forecast - <a
target='_parent'>click here,</a> and take your FREE trial of your
weekly spoken forecast. </followontag></font><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b><extratag><p>For an in-depth, up
close and personal look at your life, you need a full horoscope based
on your date, time and place of birth <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>. </extratag></b>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><font 'arial,helvetica'>Your PERSONAL GUIDE TO THE FUTURE takes
your full birth-chart and then performs thousands of additional
calculations to compare each planetary position from the day you were
born with the positions that the planets are occupying in the sky
right now. This is a time-honoured method of prediction that
consistently produces stunningly accurate results. <a
target=_parent>To read YOURS click here.</a></font><p><thought>As well
as a Full Moon, which always tends to bring incidents, upsets and
dramas, the last few days have brought a series of exceptional solar
flares. Scientists freely acknowledge the havoc that these can cause
to electrical machines and radio controlled devices but many
astrologers are quite sure they have a similar effect on humans. The
Moon is waxing now and, though there could be one last powerful
emission today, the worst of this storm on the sun is probably over.
So, if you've been through a lot lately, cheer up. Calmer times lie
ahead. </thought><p><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Jonathan
has got something to say to you...<br>Click <a
target=_parent>HERE</a> to find out more and listen to Jonathan
<i>FREE</i> for a month!</b></font

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