Monday, June 05, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, June 6, 2006

If you look at it another way, you see it differently. And, if you
view it from yet a further perspective, the impression radically
alters again. So? What do you want to do? Keep staring at it from just
one fixed angle? You need to be adaptable now. It is not a time for
strong opinions, rigid dogmas, and strict policies. It is a time for
wisdom. Wisdom understands perfectly well, that things that are wrong,
in one moment, can be perfectly right in another. Feel free to move
on.<end/> <followontag>While I was recording your new weekly
prediction, a vital point came up. To hear a full explanation <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and enjoy a free trial of the Five
Star Service.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

you need to answer a big pressing question? Would you like me to read
your <b><i>Tarot cards</i></b> for you? For an instant, in depth, on
line <b><i>Tarot reading</i></b> for just &pound;4.95, click <a
href="" target="_new">here</a>.<p>If you
are (or would like to become) a member of our Five Star Service, you
can have your Tarot reading at a special price. <a
href="" target="_parent">Click here for
details</a>.<p><end/><thought>A passage in the Book of Revelations
suggests the number 666 is a mark of the devil. Many experts reckon
it's a coded reference to a Roman emperor. They also think the
original number was 616 and the middle digit in was accidentally
misread by a shortsighted scholar, during a candlelit manuscript
copying session. On 06.06.1906, nothing much happened, and nobody
notorious was born. June 6 1806 passed without incident too. So,
unless you suffer from Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (fear of the
number 666) there's no need to worry about today's date, even at six
minutes and six seconds past six! </thought><p><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b>For a complete set of totally personal predictions have
'Your Guide to the Future' emailed direct to you - <a
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>

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