Your Daily Forecast
Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, May 29, 2006
Inspiration sometimes comes from unlikely places. If we are inwardly
willing to be uplifted and cheered, we can even find hope in areas of
the world that others perceive as dark or difficult. You won't,
though, have to go hunting in such areas for your inspiration this
week. You are following a hunch, trusting an instinct and listening to
a call from your own heart. In responding to this, however
tentatively, you are allowing a little magic to make its way into your
world. Very soon, the little will become a lot!<end/>
<followontag>Need to know more?<a
target='_parent'> Click here</a> to take out a free one month
no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken forecast - which also gives
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Jonathan's Thought for the Day.
you need to answer a big pressing question? Would you like me to read
your <b><i>Tarot cards</i></b> for you? For an instant, in depth, on
line <b><i>Tarot reading</i></b> for just £4.95, click <a
href="" target="_new">here</a>.<p>If you
are (or would like to become) a member of our Five Star Service, you
can have your Tarot reading at a special price. <a
href="" target="_parent">Click here for
details</a>.<p><thought>Hi Jonathan,<br>My friend tells me that
astrology is out of step with the sky. She says that over 2,000 years
of 'precession', the constellations have moved. Is that
right?<br>Marie<p>Dear Marie,<br>The constellations do indeed move
over time. That's precisely why we astrologers don't use them to
define the zodiac. We use equal, unchanging divisions of the
'ecliptic' (or sun's apparent path) instead. Precession has been
happening for far more than just a couple of thousand years. Though it
is relatively new to modern astronomers, some guardians of ancient
wisdom have long been aware of this phenomenon.</thought><p><font
'arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b>Download your personal horoscope chart
- <a href=''
target='_parent'>click here</a></b></font>
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