Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Thursday, November 10, 2005

Once you start reading between the lines, you risk losing all sight of
the text. That's why many people prefer to take everything and
everyone at face value. They argue that it's arrogant to assume an
intention that isn't clearly stated. Though you now need to be careful
about not putting two and two together and making five, you also have
to recognise that the numbers you are currently being presented with
don't add up. There's a missing piece of information somewhere. Your
challenge today, is to find it.<end/> <followontag>Between now and
December you can make many gains. To hear your new long-range forecast
<a href=''
target='_parent'>click here</a> and find out how to listen <i>FREE</i>
for a month!</followontag></font><font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><extratag><p>2006 is almost here. Have a sneak preview
with a Guide to the Future from Jonathan <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>. </extratag></b>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size=-1>Your Personal Profile chart
takes an in-depth look at your astrological inheritance. It identifies
and explains your Moon sign, your rising sign plus a host of other key
factors that are personal to you and which speak volumes about the
kind of character you have the potential to develop. If you want to
understand why you tend to be a certain way - or if you are interested
in making the most of the talents that have been granted to you in
this life... <a
target='_parent'>To find out more click
here</a>.</b></font><p><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>The last time you
wrote about your Psychic Museum, you said that, around 2am, a statue
fell off a shelf, narrowly missing someone. But then you went on to
say that you will have no more trouble and that it is now safe to do
another such night. Why? Have you somehow disabled the
poltergeist?<br>Madeleine<p>Dear Madeleine,<br>I haven't 'disabled'
anything or anyone. I have, though, entered into negotiation with the
entity in question. We're having a kind of silent psychic conversation
- in which I am attempting to establish what it wants or needs. As far
as I can establish, what 'it' 'wants' is either to be properly
understood... or to be left in peace. When people come wandering
through the building, half-hoping and half-looking for some ghostly
manifestation, they effectively create a 'magnetic' impulse that
'attracts disruptive energy'. The situation is complicated somewhat by
the fact that we're studying all kinds of psychic phenomena here in
the building... and that means creating a climate conducive to
telekinesis. I can't discount the possibility that objects, moving in
unexplained ways, are being subconsciously triggered by visitors... or
even by members of staff!<br>One thing's for sure though, we are still
getting odd developments. The other evening, around 6pm, a book fell,
suddenly and dramatically, off a shelf in the office... and since then
nobody has wanted to be here alone. Nobody, that is... except me. I
feel fine around the place, even when it's late and dark.<br>All this
brings me to the full explanation of why I feel it is safe to hold
another Ghost Night.<br>It's because, even if I am not there for all
of it, I am going to be in the building before it happens and be
around for at least some of the evening. I wouldn't invite anyone to a
place that I didn't feel safe about. I DO feel safe about what's going
on round here.<br>This, by the way, won't be the only special event I
attend at the Psychic Museum over the next few weeks. Up until now,
I've deliberately refrained from saying this too loudly but you know
those special Sunday Symposiums we're planning to hold soon?<br>Well,
one of them will be hosted by me! I'm going to talk astrology for a
few hours on the afternoon of Sunday November 20, with 12 visitors to
the museum. In the course of the event, I shall be taking a personal
look at all of their birth charts. <br>All places are now booked for
this event... though we are keeping a waiting list in case of
cancellation. Meanwhile, two of our other Sunday Symposiums still have
a few places. They are both due to be exceptional afternoons. The
Guest speakers are people that I know well... and whose level of
expertise simply cannot be faulted.<br><a
href='' target='_new'>Click here for
more details of these events...</a> and remember, you can only book
for them through the museum by phone during the UK hours of 9.30am -
5pm.</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Jonathan has got
something to say to you...<br>Click <a
target=_parent>HERE</a> to find out more and listen to Jonathan
<i>FREE</i> for a month!</b></font>

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