Monday, February 13, 2006

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Tuesday, February 14, 2006

'Love seeketh not itself to please,/ Nor for itself hath any care,/
But for another gives its ease,/ And builds a Heaven in Hell's
despair' Taken out of context, these lines make their composer,
William Blake, sound a little simple and soppy. But then love can do
that to us all - especially when that love truly is given
unconditionally. To give without thought of receiving is one of the
bravest yet wisest acts we can ever perform. To build a heaven now,
all you have to do is express your heart in the highest, most noble
and sincere way possible.<end/> <followontag>Relationships can be
deep and complex, Gain valuable insight into your lover, and yourself
with your new 'Partnership Profile' - the ideal, instant Valentine's
Gift <a href=''
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag><p><extratag></extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/>DID YOU KNOW? A difference of a few minutes in time of birth -
or a few miles in place of birth can have a big impact on the kind of
person you turn out to be. Once you have had your chart cast, you can
then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they
will be in the future. <a
target='_parent'>Click here to get an instant, in-depth, fully
personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the
next three, six or twelve months.</a><p><thought>There's no such thing
as a match made in heaven. Anyone, of any sign, can get along with
anyone else if they really want to. Some relationships are easy to
start. Over time, though, the novelty can wear off. Others begin with
conflict but grow into mutual appreciation. Some wonderful marriages
are like sparring partnerships while some couples who seem ideally
suited can secretly loathe each other! The question is never, "Who am
I supposed to be with?" It's "Who do I want, who wants me... and how
hard are we both willing to work at it?"</thought><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><b>Get the "Five Star Treatment!" For
a free, no obligation, 28 day trial of your exciting new personal
service from Jonathan <a
target="_new">click here.</a></font></b>

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