Your Daily Forecast
Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Monday, January 2, 2006
Dare you take the risk you are now contemplating? What if it
backfires? What if you end up looking silly with a lot to explain to a
disapproving individual? But, then again, let's look at the other side
of the issue. What if you don't try? What if you miss a great
opportunity? What if you end up kicking yourself? All will be fine as
long as you follow the first law of successful gambling. Never bet a
penny more than you can afford to lose. There's a point past which you
must not go. But until you reach it, you should keep on going!<end/>
<followontag>To hear your exciting new in-depth forecast <a
target='_parent'>click here</a> and find out how to listen <i>FREE</i>
for a month!</followontag></font><font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><extratag><p>2006 is nearly here! Let Jonathan show you
what lies ahead with a personal horoscope chart <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>. </extratag></b>
Jonathan's Thought for the Day.
<end/>Do you want to know the secrets of the future? You can find out,
right now, what's ahead for you. Just download a personal chart based
on your exact date, time and place of birth. You'll find in-depth
predictions for the coming year - plus an overview of all your biggest
astrological opportunities. Be ready for your chances and your
challenges! <a
target=_parent>Click here to order your Year Ahead Guide
NOW.</a><p><thought>Dear Jonathan,<br>Yesterday my daughter received a
blank text message dated December 4, 2019. The return number gave no
answer. Also, I received an e-mail dated November 14, 2006. What's
going on?<br>Martha<p>Dear Martha,<br>It could, I suppose, have been
faulty technology but over the new year weekend, we were in the 'Dark
of The Moon'. According to the ancients, this brief phase of the month
lets us pierce the veil between the present and the future. So you may
have had a genuine experience of "time slippage". Do any other readers
have a similar tale to tell?</thought><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><font color=red>New! Your 2006 forecast.</font> Want to know
what the coming year has in store? To listen to or watch your
audio/video forecast for 2006, plus weekly and personal forecasts,
click <a href=""
target="_new">HERE</a> for a month's free trial.</b></font>
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