Thursday, September 01, 2005

Your Daily Forecast


Here is today's forecast for Cancer - Friday, September 2, 2005

Trucks above a certain width or below a certain speed are legally
required when travelling down major roads, to carry a sign that warns
other drivers of their condition. Unfortunately, people are under no
such obligation to give notice as they travel down the road of life.
Perhaps you ought this weekend, to carry a neon sign saying, 'Do not
argue with me. I am not in the mood and you are not going to win'.
Your loved ones deserve this warning. Everyone else can make the
discovery for themselves!<end/> <br><font face='arial,helvetica'
size='-1'><b><followontag>You have just read your sun sign forecast.
Other factors in the sky though, may now be influencing your personal
birth chart. For a full horoscope reading <a
target='_parent'>click here</a>.</followontag></b><p><font
face='arial,helvetica' size='-1'><extratag>The best way to hear your
in-depth forecast from Jonathan is by clicking on <a
target='_parent'>this link</a>.</extratag>

Jonathan's Thought for the Day.

<end/><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size=-1>Are people born under the
same sign alike in every way? Of course not! They just share some
similar traits. We are all unique individuals and our full horoscopes
reflect this. No two birth charts are ever exactly the same... <a
target='_parent'>Click here to find out what's in
yours</a>.</b></font><p><thought>Hi Jonathan,<br>What's the difference
between a psychic and an astrologer?<br>Judith<p>Dear
Judith,<br>Whether they use tarot cards, crystals or just hear a
strong inner voice, psychics are not obliged to explain where their
insights have come from. Astrologers, though, create an accurate map
of the sky when they give a reading. This horoscope must then be
interpreted according to strict, clear ancient rules. We can have
hunches too, but these must be supported by a coherent argument that
our colleagues can follow, step by step.</thought><p><font
size=-1><b>Site Update:</b> More astrological Questions & Answers from
<b><a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>Eric Francis</a></b>
on his page - <a href='/ericfrancis/eric.html' target='main'>click
here</a>.</font><p><b><font 'arial,helvetica' size='-1'>Jonathan has
got something to say to you...<br>Click <a
target=_parent>HERE</a> to find out more and listen to Jonathan
<i>FREE</i> for a month!</b></font>

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